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Do not be _ by that fiery formula which springs from the lips of so many _ old gentleman: "I shall write to the Times about this outrage!"


(A) dissuaded ... indefatigable

(B) daunted ... irresolute

(C) intimidated ... choleric

(D) discredited ... crotchety

(E) exasperated ... apathetic


先处理空格Ⅱ。既然这些上了年纪的绅士惯常说出的话(formula)是fiery的,即可推知他们已是激愤无疑,则(C)choleric和(D) crotchety均相当贴切。空格Ⅱ处的激愤还可从句末的outrage(试考虑其同源形容词 outrageous)推知。在空格Ⅰ处:激愤之辞旨在气势凶凶地以势压人,故(C)intimidated和(B) daunted为正确,(D) discredited不妥。最终的正确答案为(C)。


fiery: 1.火焰的,燃烧着的 2.如火如荼的,激烈的 3.易怒的,暴躁的

formula: 惯用语句,俗套话

spring: (话语等)突然来到(嘴边)

outrage: 1.肆无忌惮的恶行 2.(由暴行而引起的')义愤,愤慨

dissuade (from): 劝阻(某人)不做(某事)


daunt: 威吓,使胆怯,使气馁

irresolute: 优柔寡断的,犹豫不决的

intimidate: 恫吓, 恐吓,威胁

choleric: 暴躁的,激怒的中华考试网

discredit: 1.败坏…的名声,诽谤 2.不可置信,证明…是假的,对…表示怀疑不信

crotchety: 动辄发怒的,脾气坏的

exasperate: 1.激怒,使恼怒 2.使(病痛等)加剧,恶化

apathetic: 无感情的,冷淡漠然的

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