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1. Take care.

Take care on the roads. They are really icy.



2. Mind how you go.

It was great seeing you. Mind how you go, the traffic is terrible on the motorway.



3. Look out!

Look out! There’s a car coming.


4. Watch out!

Watch out! The pavement is slippery.




5. Easy does it.

Ok, you’re almost there, easy does it. That’s great. Thank you so much for helping me move the sofa.


6. Steady.

Steady! Are you sure you don’t want some help carrying your bags?


Tips: 大部分人都会建议你不要冒险。毕竟,避免过多冒险是我们人类的本性,除非你天生是个冒险家。

7. Better safe than sorry.

You should pack a couple of torches and some blankets for your journey. Better safe than sorry. (We can also say: it’s better to be safe than sorry. )


8. You can’t be too careful.

I’ve locked all the doors and windows and padlocked the gate. You can’t be too careful these days.


9. Be careful

Are you going to walk through the park at this hour? Well, be careful. You never know who’s lurking in the park.


The common formal expression we see on the roads and public buildings is: Never mind the dog, beware of the owner.


10. Beware

No entry. Beware of the guard dogs.


Beware of the dangers of drink-driving.



1. I don't want to be the third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡.

一般的自行车都只有二个轮子, 要是有三个轮子呢? 没错, 那第三个轮子就是多余的。所以Third wheel 就是美语中电灯泡正确的表示方法。还有一种I don't want to be the third arm. 这里不是说“三只手”的意思, 而是和third wheel 一样, 都是电灯泡的意思。

2. He is dating another girl on the side. 他同时脚踏两条船。

把这句说成I have my feet in two boats 的人也不在少数吧! 其实正确的说法应该是像这样, He is dating another girl on the side。或是你可以说He is dating another girl behind her back。

3. I am the one-woman kinda man. 我是那种从一而终的男人。

在美国从一而终的人好像不多, 他们通常从高中就开始交男女朋友, 一直交到结婚, 中间不知改朝换代过多少次.。所以这句话是很难得听到的。kinda在口语中常用, 它是kind of 的简写, kinda man 就是说那样的男人。

还有一种用法叫We are exclusive。 这个exclusive 指的是排他的意思. 所以当一对情侣说, We are exclusive时, 就是说我们心里只有对方一人, 我们都不会再去喜欢上别人。

4. Those boys like to hit on me all the time. 那些男生老爱找我搭讪。

Hit somebody 是说你打某人的意思, 但是hit on somebody 就不一样了, hit on somebody 是当作搭讪来解释. 常常电视剧里可以看到, 一个男的跑去跟一个陌生女孩多说了两句话, 那个女生就说: Are you hitting on me? 你现在是在跟我搭讪吗? 实在是很有意思。

5. That's the long distance relationship. 我和我的情人分隔两地。

一般relationship都是特别指男女朋友之间的关系, 比如你可以跟你的另一半说, I really appreciate our relationship。就是我很感激我们能够在一起。

Long distance relationship是一种固定用法, 一般情况下不会说成We live far away from each other. 只会说We have a long distance relationship. 再来你可能可以接著说, It's so hard for me.

6. You should have chivalry. 你应该有点绅士风度。

美国的男生蛮有风度的, 他们会帮女士开门,这种行为中文叫绅士风度, 但在英文中叫骑士精神。

7. I saw you smooching that girl just outside my window. 我看到你在我的窗外亲那个女孩喔。

Smooch 是一个口语, 它就完全等于大家所熟知的kiss 这个字。

8. I'm all over you. 我对你非常地著迷。

All over you 就是说对你非常地著迷, 这还有另一种表示方法, 叫I have a crush on you. 这二句都是表达很喜欢某人的意思。

All over somebody 还有一个很常用的用法, 我把它翻成“三贴”比如说你去舞厅跳舞, 看到有一对男女跳到三点都贴在一起了, 你就可以跟你的同伴说, Hey, look, the guy is dancing all over the girl。

9. I'm over you. 我跟你之间完了。

一字之差但是意思完全不同喔. 你要是说I'm over you, 就是说我跟你之间完了, 我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛. 这和I'm all over you 是完全不一样的。

10. Are you trying to seduce me? 你想要勾引我吗?

Seduce 就是说你用言语或是行为去勾引某人。